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Portfolio - Lux Eglinton - Featured Image - Updated

Lux Eglinton

  • Total Investors: 25
  • Type of Investment: Limited Partnership
  • Site Size: 0.28 Acres
  • Site Cost: CAD $12,000,000
  • Estimated Exit Value: CAD $45,000,000
  • Expected Planning Period: 24 months


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Portfolio - Wallberry - Featured Image

Walberry Residence

  • Total Investors: TBD
  • Type of Investment: Limited Partnership
  • Site Size: 0.893 Acres
  • Site Cost: CAD $16,000,000
  • Estimated Exit Value: CAD $250,000,000
  • Expected Project Timeline: 5 Years


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TREG Capital - Caddington - Featured Image


  • Total Investors: 95
  • Type of investment: Limited Partnership
  • Site size: 56.5 Acres
  • Site Cost: GBP 5,5 Million
  • Estimated Exit value: GBP 25-35 Million
  • Expected Planning Period: 2-5 Years


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Portfolio - Thorpe - Featured Image


  • Total Investors: 42
  • Type of investment: Limited Partnership
  • Site size: 30.36 Acres
  • Site Cost: GBP 3,995,813
  • Estimated Exit value: GBP 20-25 Million
  • Expected Planning Period: 2-5 Years


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Portfolio - Effingham - Featured Image


  • Total Investors: 50
  • Type of investment: Limited Partnership
  • Site size: 25 Acres
  • Site Cost: GBP 2,265,000
  • Estimated Exit value: GBP 15-20 Million
  • Expected Planning Period: 2-5 Years


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Portfolio - Gerrards Cross - Featured Image

Gerrards Cross

  • Total Investors: 67
  • Type of investment: Limited Partnership
  • Site size: 21 Acres
  • Site Cost: GBP 2,318,818
  • Estimated Exit value: GBP 15-20 Million
  • Expected Planning Period: 2-5 Years


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Portfolio - St. Albans - Featured Image - Updated

St. Albans

  • Total Investors: 540
  • Type of investment: Limited Partnership
  • Site size: 200 Acres
  • Site Cost: GBP 6,660,000
  • Estimated Exit value: GBP 50-60 Million
  • Expected Planning Period: 4-7 Years


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Portfolio - Ripley - Featured Image - Updated


  • Total Investors: 140
  • Type of investment: Limited Partnership
  • Site size: 42 Acres
  • Site Cost: GBP 2,850,000
  • Estimated Exit value: GBP 20-25 Million
  • Expected Planning Period: 2-5 Years


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Portfolio - Toddington - Featured Image - Updated


  • Total Investors: 61
  • Type of investment: Limited Partnership
  • Site size: 13.8 Acres
  • Site Cost: GBP 1,491,000
  • Estimated Exit value: GBP 8-10 Million
  • Expected Planning Period: 2-5 Years


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